LinkedIn’s advertising platform is changing – and B2B firms should pay attention

LinkedIn is the No. 1 platform for business-to-business (B2B) marketing, with 94 percent of B2B marketers using the channel for content distribution. According to the site, LinkedIn is also the biggest driver of traffic to B2B websites and blogs, with half of all social media referral traffic stemming from LinkedIn. Recent changes to its advertising platform make the social [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:41-05:0001/29/2019|

Putting down the mirror: How to improve your social media strategy by evaluating your competition

When trying to make impactful and lasting changes to your organization’s social media presence, it can be challenging to decide where to start. While it is imperative to periodically assess your own footprint and evaluate from within, don’t stay there too long. If you don’t take the time to look beyond your mirror, you’ll miss out on the valuable (and free!) information you could learn from examining the performance of your peers.   Although this process can be relatively [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:43-05:0009/27/2018|

Industry awards: apply or not?

I once received an email from an awards organization letting me know a client had won an award titled “Best Asset Manager in Wisconsin.” The award-giver apparently overlooked the fact that this client is based in Massachusetts. But not to worry! The awards program simply changed the title of the award to “Best Asset Manager in Massachusetts.” If I’d [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:46-05:0003/01/2018|

Q&A with Shane Stiles, Gate 39 Media – online visibility enhanced by thought leadership

We encourage our clients to have a thought leadership program to connect with existing customers, engage new leads, and to share with media. Successful thought leadership programs engage audiences with interesting content that can be posted to a company blog or website, social media and in relevant publications that speak to the right audiences.  Thought leadership can also help with [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:51-05:0004/26/2017|

Why do we overcomplicate millennial marketing?

In March 2017, Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Slok reported that there are now more 26-year-olds in the United States than any other age group. Slok’s research highlights some of the positive implications these millennials, or so-called “echo boomers,” will have on the U.S. economy as they get jobs, pay taxes, buy houses and have children. In fact, Slok argues [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:52-05:0003/31/2017|

Native advertising’s place in a hierarchy of influential content

We read with interest a recent piece in the advisor publication RIABiz about the launch of Barron’s NEXT, an effort by the venerable investment tome to reach out to Millennial readers. Whether Barron’s can successfully connect with this generation seemed to be a side note to a very interesting conversation about sponsored content and native advertising. The article, “How [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:54-05:0012/02/2016|

Social media for financial advisors is here to stay

In its recent survey of more than 1,000 professionals, Putnam Investments found that 85% of advisors – up from 75% in 2014 – are actively using social media in their day-to-day work, and they continue to become more sophisticated in their use of multiple social networking platforms for business. Key findings from Putnam’s Social Advisor Study revealed: Effective use [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:55-05:0010/18/2016|

Writing article headlines to attract journalists

In a previous post, I offered suggestions about headline writing when preparing content for financial advisor audiences. That same content—investment commentary, market research, policy updates, and more—is just as valuable to journalists as they frame stories and identify new sources. Therefore, it’s helpful to keep journalists in mind when crafting content, including headlines—which are critically important to attracting interest. [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:55-05:0009/29/2016|

What Facebook’s new News Feed algorithm means for financial services firms

In late June, Facebook announced changes to its News Feed algorithm that are likely to lower the visibility of many businesses’ posts and pages on Facebook. Specifically, companies that employ a Facebook strategy focused on organic reach—that is, generating views and click-throughs with non-paid posts—are likely to see a decline in their ability to reach their audience on the [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:57-05:0007/15/2016|

Why big advertisers are shifting to native content

The Wall Street Journal’s recent special advertising report, The Ad Revolution, leads with an article called “Advertisers Try New Tactics to Break Through to Consumers,” which includes a diatribe from big advertisers about the challenge to get share of mind in today’s digital age.  With so many people streaming video, disconnecting cable and avoiding any ad content, these advertisers [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:58-05:0007/01/2016|
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