Is it Beneficial to Communicate Your Benefits?
Human Resources Departments are running lean – no question. But if you are feeling stretched and would love to drop something off the To Do list, should you cut back on benefits communications with employees? No way, no how.
The benefits you offer employees are part of their overall compensation package. In an era of stagnating direct compensation it is even more important to showcase what you doffer employees in the form on non-direct compensation. I have worked with numerous employers over the course of my career and here are a few tips from some of the best on what to stress when communicating employee benefits.
Discuss Company Benefits Early And Often
The old once-a-year-enroll-in-your-benefits-programs-so-we-will-talk-about-them-then is not enough. Neither is the here-is-our-new-employee-folder-with-all-the-info-so-have-at-it approach. Get in front of your employees at least quarterly to showcase your employee benefits. You may know your benefits cold, but employees don’t have that same in-depth understanding. Regularly remind them of all your organization does offer to help them make the most of their benefits package. Their needs can change as can the benefits they can avail themselves of.
Meet Your Employees Where They Are
Understand how your employees take in information. You have many tools to employ when communicating benefits. Break room bulletin boards are old standards, and are still highly effective to convey information. Intranets, emails, tweets and apps are now the stalwarts for communicating employee benefits. Quick, easy and cost effective. Getting in front of people at an employee Lunch ‘n Learn to discuss benefits is great. Having managers highlight something in department meetings is also effective. The human touch puts an exclamation point on benefits! Mail received at home, with a return address from the employer, is always opened. I worked with one retail client who strategically employed the back of bathroom stall doors to discuss benefits. Now that is a creative way to meet your employees where they are!
Give it a Value
Help employees understand the value of their benefits. According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) almost 30 percent of total compensation is attributed to employee benefits. If employees are considering other opportunities, make sure they understand the full impact of making a change. Employers can communicate the value of all the benefits they offer through a personalized year end benefits statement or customized information on their HR website. Communicating the value of your benefits leads to retention, appreciation and loyalty. Priceless.