LoweDown Blog

Forbes: “4 Rules For Politely Being Bearish In Financial Media Conversations”

Jody Lowe wrote for Forbes to identify a handful of rules for being the kind of market bear who regularly gets invited back to the media dinner party. The stock market and much of the financial media industry are positioned against anyone bearish due to years of the market going up, but Jody shares four guidelines to help communicate with your audience effectively no [...]

By |11/01/2021|News, Public Relations|

Lowe Group Awarded Silver Honor in “B2B: Public Relations” Category by FCS Portfolio Awards

Lowe Group was awarded a silver honor at the 27th Annual FCS Portfolio Awards in the "B2B: Public Relations" category. The award recognizes Lowe Group's PR efforts to support the November 2020 release announcement of the 13th biennial Trends Report on Sustainable and Impact Investing published by US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment. Our team developed and led a public relations strategy to create awareness [...]

By |10/04/2021|News|

Forbes: “Getting Quoted In The Media Is No Accident: Best Practices For Financial Advisors”

Jody Lowe wrote for Forbes to outline how savvy financial professionals and advisors can use earned media coverage as a tool to build a personal brand and position themselves as trusted and knowledgeable experts. She shares some best practices she's compiled from years of experience working with financial advisor clients who have successfully garnered and leveraged media attention. (09/29/02021) Click here to read "Getting [...]

By |09/29/2021|News, Public Relations|

Forbes: “As Sustainable Investing Becomes Mainstream, Asset Managers Must Clearly Communicate Process And Results”

Jody Lowe wrote for Forbes to discuss the rise of sustainable investing over the last three decades. As it continues to shift from a niche approach to a mainstream consideration, asset managers need to employ clear communication and transparency when talking about their investment strategies with clients. (08/31/02021) Click here to read "As Sustainable Investing Becomes Mainstream, Asset Managers Must Clearly Communicate Process and [...]

By |08/31/2021|News, Potpourri|

Forbes: “What Agencies Can Do To Combat Summer Slowdowns”

Jody Lowe contributed to an expert panel for Forbes that discussed how agencies can combat summer slowdowns and make the most of the quieter period. She explained the importance of creating and backlogging evergreen thought leadership pieces that can be used during busier times. (08/09/2021) Click here to read "What Agencies Can Do to Combat Summer Slowdowns" at Forbes.com.

By |08/09/2021|Content, News|
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