What to do in the conference vacuum: How to refocus your conference budget on other brand-building activities

COVID 19 has forced the cancellation, at least for the near term, of most in-person conferences and events.  Both Schwab and Morningstar’s massive advisor conferences will now be online. This isn’t all bad.  Early feedback on other well-attended events that have been held virtually is promising.  Apple’s virtual conference is likely to attract many more people than would otherwise [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:26-05:0007/01/2020|

Logica “Future of Money” Survey: How best to engage with customers and the community in the COVID-19 era

New research from Logica Research’s Future of Money Survey offers important insights about consumers and money in a world upended by COVID-19. What do consumers want and how should you communicate with them? A recent webinar on the study sponsored by the Financial Communications Society stressed the need for empathetic communications. Financial companies should demonstrate they understand their customers’ [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:29-05:0005/29/2020|

What do editors want? Stressless content

There are more opportunities than ever to get your content onto a wide array of blogs, Web sites and publications. Though there are numerous options, editors are most often the ones who determine what gets posted or published, especially at the most desirable publications. So you’ll need to know what they are looking for and meet their expectations in [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:01-05:0001/11/2016|

Thought Leadership: The Key Ingredient to Your Content Marketing Program

Thought leadership is content that can influence the way people think or discusses and identifies industry trends in an interesting or thought provoking way. Think of thought leadership as you and your firm’s ideas, insights and viewpoints on relevant topics. Thought leadership is the most important ingredient in your content marketing program. Why? Your thought leadership is the entry [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:12-05:0003/18/2014|
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