Making Resolutions That Work

I resolve to: Save more/spend less Eat well Stay fit Those who know me well are aware of my annual New Year’s Resolution tradition.  I spend a good deal of time thinking about my annual goals.  I write them on a 3 by 5 card.  I also grade myself on last year’s goals.  Over time, I’ve averaged about a [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:14-05:0001/08/2014|

What Makes You Successful? Productive?

As I prepared for my annual New Year’s Resolution exercise (see related blog post Making Resolutions Work), I asked a number of successful people a few questions about what has contributed to their success and how they stay productive. The responses to this unscientific survey were both inspiring and humbling. A few themes emerged: Love what you do and [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:14-05:0001/08/2014|
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