Writing article headlines to attract journalists

In a previous post, I offered suggestions about headline writing when preparing content for financial advisor audiences. That same content—investment commentary, market research, policy updates, and more—is just as valuable to journalists as they frame stories and identify new sources. Therefore, it’s helpful to keep journalists in mind when crafting content, including headlines—which are critically important to attracting interest. [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:55-05:0009/29/2016|

The Pew Research Institute’s 2016 State of the News Media report

The Pew Research Institute’s 2016 State of the News Media report came out this summer and has some valuable insights. This is a comprehensive report on all segments of the news media from audience to industry economics and investment. As you might expect, newspaper circulation is down yet again and Cable TV viewership is up. While we’re often focused [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:56-05:0009/22/2016|
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