Why do we overcomplicate millennial marketing?

In March 2017, Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Slok reported that there are now more 26-year-olds in the United States than any other age group. Slok’s research highlights some of the positive implications these millennials, or so-called “echo boomers,” will have on the U.S. economy as they get jobs, pay taxes, buy houses and have children. In fact, Slok argues [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:52-05:0003/31/2017|

Building a reputation as an expert with the media

In the financial services context, what sets apart those subject matter experts who succeed in becoming regular resources to the media? In our experience, it isn’t just the size of the firm and the renown of its brand. While those factors may help, our observation is that the reputation for expertise derives from a few key factors: Original content, [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:03:52-05:0003/02/2017|
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