Forbes: “Getting Quoted In The Media Is No Accident: Best Practices For Financial Advisors”

Jody Lowe wrote for Forbes to outline how savvy financial professionals and advisors can use earned media coverage as a tool to build a personal brand and position themselves as trusted and knowledgeable experts. She shares some best practices she's compiled from years of experience working with financial advisor clients who have successfully garnered and leveraged media attention. (09/29/02021) [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:00-05:0009/29/2021|

Does your website have too little content, or too much?

If your company is like most, the answer is probably both.   Chances are that your website is missing some content that would help further your business objectives. At the same time, it also likely has some outdated, redundant or poor-quality content.  The Opportunity Cost of Too Little  Often people go to a company website with a goal in mind — [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:00-05:0009/27/2021|

Practical Guidance on Media Relations: A Toolkit for Financial Execs

Lowe Group created a free guide for financial executives seeking to learn how to become more adept at working with industry and national media. The toolkit includes tips for how to establish and maintain relationships with journalists, prepare for interviews, address hard questions and provide quotable responses. Click here to access the toolkit.

By |2023-04-20T04:00:01-05:0009/24/2021|

LinkedIn: Is Your Firm Making the Most of the Social Media Platform?

   By now, most financial services firms are aware of the marketing power of LinkedIn. Even if they don’t use social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram, it’s rare to come across a firm that isn’t on the professional networking site. LinkedIn says its members are 2x more likely to seek financial advice on the platform and are [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:02-05:0009/21/2021|
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