How to ace any media interview: solid media training, key messaging and the inside scoop on journalists

The media training that The Lowe Group provides organizations takes different forms, ranging from short presentations to a firm’s entire professional staff, to intensive, one-on-one sessions for senior executives that include mock broadcast and print interviews. But regardless of the format, we always start from the same place—understanding where the journalist on the other side of the table (or [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:19-05:0011/17/2020|

Ready for your closeup? A few tips for nailing that remote interview (or even the Monday Zoom call with your team)

“All right Mr. Demille … I’m ready for my close-up …” One thing you’ve probably noticed about media in the time of coronavirus is the number of remote interviews taking place. More often than not, experts are giving interviews right from the comfort of their own living room (or study, or kitchen). In many cases the interviewers [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:00:19-05:0011/17/2020|

Ep 106: The Inside Scoop on Financial Journalists

By: Greg Joslyn; Andy Azinger Having better media interviews means having a better understanding of the journalist you're talking to. Greg Joslyn, Vice President, Media Relations and Client Management with The Lowe Group lends insights and provides actionable tips. Duration: 15:00 Transcript [MUSIC … full then under] Greg Joslyn: Journalists tend to be right-brained [...]

By |2023-05-02T09:55:38-05:0011/06/2020|
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