Meet the Team: An interview with Talia Dunyak

You have a unique academic background. Can you tell us more about your experience studying and working outside of the U.S.?  I’ve always been a bit indecisive and possibly a little overambitious, so when it came time to pick my course of study at college, I decided to double major in English literature and German language and minor in [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:32:15-06:0003/30/2023|

Eight takeaways for a successful media event

“Count me in. Though I view this as like going to the dentist, … if I have to learn more about annuities, I want it to be from this team!”    --Bloomberg reporter response to our Media Masterclass invitation  There are a million-and-one reasons for journalists not to show up at your media event: They’re busier than ever. [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:32:29-06:0003/21/2023|

How mutual fund, ETF communicators sprang into action when SVB surprised

We see you, asset management marketers who dropped everything this week to communicate about the Silicon Valley Bank crisis and fallout. And we celebrate you. Hope you hear the same from the Sales and call center/customer service representative teams you armed with on-the-spot analysis.  Communicating as things are happening—even when the situation isn’t fully sized and even when specific [...]

By |2024-03-03T15:56:49-06:0003/16/2023|
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