Thought Leadership: The Key Ingredient to Your Content Marketing Program

Thought leadership is content that can influence the way people think or discusses and identifies industry trends in an interesting or thought provoking way. Think of thought leadership as you and your firm’s ideas, insights and viewpoints on relevant topics. Thought leadership is the most important ingredient in your content marketing program. Why? Your thought leadership is the entry [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:12-05:0003/18/2014|

Blogging for Financial Services Firms

Blogging seems like a straightforward concept: think of something to say, write it down, then post it to your website; use the content to connect with clients and leads. This is easier said than done. An effective corporate blog—one that connects with clients, prospects, journalists, and any other stakeholder groups—requires that you think like a journalist, a publisher, a [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:13-05:0002/05/2014|

TV Interviews Part 2

Our last blog focused on preparing for television interviews and crafting your message. We thought it might be helpful to follow up with a brief post that focuses on how to dress and appear on television. Like it or not, on video the validity of your message is greatly affected by your appearance. We always tell our clients to [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:15-05:0012/09/2013|

Getting Ready for Television

You’ve landed a television interview. That’s a great opportunity to tell your story and represent your company. That’s a big job to do in just a few minutes. Keep in mind, the average news story runs under two minutes. But if you do it right, you can help build your company’s name recognition and your credibility. Preparation is a [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:16-05:0010/28/2013|

What’s In Your Content?

Content marketing, brand journalism, native advertising, branded content, content curation, owned media, these are terms that we hear quite a bit lately. What do these terms refer to? And why should financial services companies care? First, the crux of content marketing is creating and distributing relevant content for the purpose of connecting with an audience.  You can do that [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:16-05:0009/27/2013|

In Case It Doesn’t Go Without Saying, Content Matters Most

Business Wire posted comments on its blog last month by two of the company’s internal marketing and SEO specialists in a piece called “Discovery, Not Link Building, is the Objective of Your Press Release.” The authors, Fred Golash and John Leung, write: “It is after the discovery process that you gain what is referred to as ‘earned media’– meaning [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:17-05:0009/06/2013|

Writing Headlines & Subject Lines For Financial Adviser Audiences

We often assist in preparing articles and commentaries from fund portfolio managers for financial adviser audiences. From our experience, here are some thoughts on writing headlines (and email subject lines) that can speak to a group that’s constantly flooded with financial communications. When writing headlines for content by portfolio managers, it helps to establish a slightly different tone than [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:20-05:0005/01/2013|

World’s Most Noble Profession?

Nursing?  Teaching?  In my opinion it is sales. Maybe not your first thought, but life is sales. Every profession requires sales skills.  And sales done right, is a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Clients benefit by being well shepherded by a trustworthy, knowledgeable sales person. A positive sales experience can reduce anxiety, offer solutions and result in a positive [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:21-05:0002/25/2013|

Employee Communications: Dos, Don’t & Basics

Is it Beneficial to Communicate Your Benefits?  Human Resources Departments are running lean – no question. But if you are feeling stretched and would love to drop something off the To Do list, should you cut back on benefits communications with employees? No way, no how. The benefits you offer employees are part of their overall compensation package. In [...]

By |2023-04-20T04:04:22-05:0001/20/2013|
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