The updated PESO model and the PR/marketing conversations it can help drive

For today’s post, both Lowe Group President & Founder Jody Lowe and Pat Allen, head of LG Digital, weigh in on the recently updated PESO model and the relevance of the underlying thinking to investment communicators.   Jody's PR perspective: Yes to PESO—just maybe not in that order  Most communications pros have seen the Venn diagram with the overlapping [...]

By |2024-04-03T11:45:50-05:0004/03/2024|

Finfluencers are on the rise—and industry groups and regulators are paying attention

Finfluencer: A social media influencer who provides personal finance education or advice to followers. For many years, my idea of a finfluencer was one of the many well-followed financial thought leaders who were widely quoted in the media and on social media—people such as Michael Kitces, Wade Pfau and Christine Benz who are well known by professionals at [...]

By |2024-04-03T11:31:54-05:0003/28/2024|

A marketer’s heartfelt homage to mutual funds on their 100th

My family takes turns labeling one another as “sentimental Irish”—a reference to an old song performed by the Irish song and dance man Tony Kenny. I’ve kicked the lyrics to the sidebar below so I stay on task, without tearing up. I wish you could have heard Tony sing it live in a room filled with Chicago Irish [...]

By |2024-03-21T15:09:42-05:0003/21/2024|

15 steps to becoming the best podcast guest

Podcasts are everywhere. One source suggests that today there are now 3.2 million podcasts. Podcasts outnumber audiobooks by 6:1.   For those wanting to launch a podcast, those numbers are daunting. Many of our clients have launched or at least explored launching a podcast. There are benefits to producing your own. You have complete control and, done well, there [...]

By |2024-03-21T14:52:19-05:0003/20/2024|

Insider’s list of investing podcasts [March 2024 update]

We’re fortunate in the investment industry to have so many new content creators consistently stepping up to share their expertise via podcasts. At the same time, a podcast production schedule can be demanding and hard to justify when there’s insufficient observable return for the effort, and over the last few months several shows have either taken their final bow [...]

By |2024-03-07T09:59:51-06:0003/04/2024|

Investment podcast directory update: now including shows on active management, millennial entrepreneurs, family offices

The good news: investing podcasts just keep coming.   The better news: The Lowe Group’s Insider’s List of Investment Podcasts recommended for the investment industry (asset managers, financial advisors, professional investors and fintech) has just been updated with 10 more podcasts. This is the directory’s final update of the year, after being introduced in April and last updated in July. [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:07:42-06:0010/11/2023|

10 More Investment Podcasts For Your Listening Pleasure

For as long as you all keep producing high quality, insightful podcasts for the investment industry (asset managers, financial advisors and fintech), we are going to keep adding to the Insider’s List of Investment Podcasts launched in April. (See our criteria here.)  Our list grows to 93 today with the addition of 10 more podcasts, and there’s something for [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:24:51-06:0007/19/2023|
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