This slowpoke recession is clogging inboxes everywhere

Whether you’re a marketer, financial advisor or a money manager, to be a communicator in the investment industry is to accept that there will be some repetition in your work. The required quarterly, semi-annual and annual reporting and updating make certain of that.   But changing market cycles keep things interesting, leaving plenty of room for variety and creativity in [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:26:37-06:0006/29/2023|

We’re on Instagram—here’s why

The Lowe Group has joined the investment industry on Instagram!  We’re used to seeing asset managers, financial advisory firms and fintechs active on LinkedIn and sometimes Twitter, but Instagram is part of the social media mix now, too—and we want to be where you are.  Lowe Group’s Instagram will post stories and reels, and share quick, casual posts about [...]

By |2024-03-03T15:12:26-06:0006/22/2023|

What’s not to like: Latest Fuse research affirms PR value while answering burning digital marketing questions

“We are big believers in PR, we think the lift that [asset management] firms can get from actively participating is pretty valuable. It’s cost-effective as well, and financial advisors view it as a highly effective tool to enhance the relationship.”    When you work for a public relations firm, that’s a statement, as made by Fuse Research Network’s Mike Evans [...]

By |2024-03-03T16:00:10-06:0006/15/2023|

And now a word from our young professionals: Hands-on and happy to be learning PR

When polling a room of fifth graders about their career goals, you might hear answers like “doctor,” “fireman” or “teacher.” One job that is (not so surprisingly) missing from the list of frequently listed childhood career aspirations is “financial services public relations associate.” Although this career might not be top of mind for many young people, including recent grads, [...]

By |2024-05-14T14:34:19-05:0006/06/2023|

Advisorpedia: “Measurement Dashboards: Look at Multiple Data Points To Measure Your PR Impact and Investment”

In any environment but especially in today’s predominantly digital environment, one of the challenges when making an investment in public relations is the ability to quantify ROI. Unlike digital advertising where you can measure impressions and clicks, it is harder to measure the impact of earned media. So how can you calculate the value of public relations? In their [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:28:27-06:0006/05/2023|

Pitching pointers for fledgling flacks

The advice I’d give to early-career PR professionals about interacting with reporters is not too different from the advice I would give to anyone in the field: Make yourself a resource and not a pain-in-the-neck who wastes their time.   When you’re a “flack,” as many curmudgeonly journalists (some of whom clearly were not adequately cared for as small [...]

By |2024-05-14T14:34:45-05:0006/05/2023|

New financial-services content creators: Let your curiosity guide your learning in these three areas

Welcome to your new job in content creation within the financial services industry. Your curiosity is your most important asset in your new job. Put it to good use.   When I was first working in financial communications, one of my assignments was to draft answers to requests for proposals. This was in-house at an investment firm. RFP work can [...]

By |2024-05-14T14:34:12-05:0006/02/2023|

Lucky you: Digital marketers get the keys to the kingdom

Congratulations on completing the studies required to earn your degree as a digital marketer! We’re not going to insult you by suggesting that now you have everything you need. Of course, you don’t—you’re in digital marketing. You’ve chosen a career that’s the opposite of static. You’re heading toward a lifetime of learning. But maybe that’s part of what appeals [...]

By |2024-05-14T14:32:29-05:0006/01/2023|
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