Our 2024 predictions for PR Pros

We’re kicking off the year with two back-to-back posts on our predictions for investment industry communications trends in 2024. Below Jody Lowe comments on what she sees ahead for public relations professionals.   The New Year is a great time to build outreach plans for the coming year.  This year, there are plenty of predictable stories we’re tracking, hoping to [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:01:26-06:0001/04/2024|

A 2023 Holiday Reading List for Investment Pros

WealthManagement.com recently published their 10 best business books for financial advisors. I always love best books lists, and I agree with WM.com’s recommendations for Michael Lewis’s epic book Going Infinite on the demise of the crypto trading platform FTX and Walter Isaacson’s terrific biography of Elon Musk. Both are great reads.  I love reading—both fiction and non-fiction—and always have [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:01:59-06:0012/13/2023|

The investment industry stories we’ll remember from 2023

As the days count down to the end of 2023, we’re taking a quick random look back at some of the ongoing stories we’ll remember from the year. What would you add? We invite your comments below.  A new co-worker. We all got a new co-worker this year as artificial intelligence capability in the form of ChatGPT and other [...]

By |2024-03-03T15:16:39-06:0012/07/2023|

TikTok, not Google, is now the go-to for basic investment searches

Someday we'll think of these as simpler times—as in: “Remember when all we worried about was ranking in Google search?”  It’s becoming apparent that if you’re an investment firm hoping to use content to meet people—younger information-seekers in particular—you may need a TikTok strategy (posting and then optimizing) to be in the mix for investment-related searches that take place [...]

By |2024-03-28T11:32:49-05:0011/29/2023|

Advisors continue to complain about asset manager websites—time to do something about it?

I rejected the report at first. Of course, I did, in solidarity with all who toil on asset manager websites. J.D. Power’s recent alarming research findings on mutual fund/ETF sites had me sputtering for a day or two. The 18 sites included in the benchmarking study are among the finest in the industry, representing most of the largest firms. [...]

By |2024-03-05T11:17:34-06:0011/16/2023|

The only constant is change: Lowe Group celebrates 20 years of investment communications

Twenty years is a long time. Headlines in 2003 included the human genome project, the space shuttle Columbia tragedy and the capture of Sadam Hussein in Iraq. Feels like another world. Lowe Group’s humble beginning 20 years ago providing traditional public relations services to a handful of asset managers seeking media attention feels like another world.   Jody [...]

By |2024-03-03T15:47:59-06:0011/14/2023|

A graphic designer’s pivot to marketing strategy: UMB Bank’s Jennifer Casanova

Recently we were pleased to welcome Jennifer Casanova, B2B marketing director for UMB Bank, to our office for a lunch ‘n’ learn discussion about effective agency-corporate collaboration. Following is a recap of that discussion, including career path highlights, how her background influences her work today, and key traits she looks for in an agency relationship.   Background and Career path  [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:04:12-06:0011/08/2023|

Calamos’ Bob Behan: A veteran distribution exec on leadership, management

I have no issue with Sales being the alpha in the sales/marketing relationship. Sales doesn’t succeed without being assertive—and everyone else working in the overall enterprise (sometimes referred to as “overhead”) needs Sales to be successful. Most marketers confident in the value they bring know better than to knock heads with Sales.   In fact, I’ll go a step [...]

By |2024-03-03T14:04:31-06:0011/06/2023|
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